Australian Federation of University Women

New South Wales

AFUW - NSW Incorporated is an association of women graduates from universities throughout the world



Education Trust

2007 Tempe Mann Award Recipient: Dr Negin Amanat

DR NEGIN AMANAT was the recipient of the TEMPE MANN AWARD 2007 and the Education Trust members were extremely impressed by her qualifications. Originally gaining her degree in Mechanical Engineering, Negin switched to Biomedical Engineering as much more interesting and this area became the subject of her doctoral studies. Her current research is focused on understanding the medical consequences of pharmacological intervention, mainly anti-osteoporosis medication, in fracture repair in children and adults. Her referees readily acknowledge that she has already developed innovative techniques in this area and some of the key investigations which she has led have received international recognition.

Negin, which means precious stone in Persian, applied for the Tempe Mann in order to work at the University of Ulm in Germany for 3 months on computational biomechanics of fracture healing, an area for which they are renowned.

She spent some of her childhood in Germany and is therefore not unfamiliar with the language. Negin has many publications and conference articles to her credit and the Trustees were also impressed at the clear and concise presentation of her research that she was able to give before leaving for Ulm. She has a warm and engaging personality and the Trustees were delighted to give the award to someone whose research promises to be of such tremendous benefit.

Negin Amanat receiving her award from President, Ivy Edwards

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